
Pomegranate (Punica granatum) is grown in tropical and subtropical regions of the world. India is the largest producer of pomegranates in the world.The total area under cultivation of pomegranate in India is 107.00 thousand ha and production is around 743.00 thousands tons.
Fresh Pomegranate is one of the important fruit crops commercially grown in the state of Maharashtra. The main commercially grown varieties are Bhagwa , Arkata & Ganesh, Bhagwa is widely known for its soft seed, Dark red colour, and extremely delicious.

Packing details

CORUGATED BOX PACKING: Net weight of box 3.50 / 4.00kg, 4.50kg
Fruit count / Box (3.50 kg net wt.) :
– 180 to 200grm 18 to 19 No.
– 200 to 250grm. 15-16 No.
– 250 to 300grm. 12-13 No.
– Above 300grm. 10 No.

Product Specification:
Size Code Weight in grams (minimum) Diameter in mm (minimum)
A 400 90
B 350 80
C 300 70
D 250 60
E 200 50

Details: Minimum Weight 180gm, maximum weight 400gm.
Colour of arils : Dark Cherry red.
T.S.S. : 15 to 16.
Acidity : 0.35- 0.39%.
Taste : Sweet
Availability : January | February | March | April | July | August | Nov | Dec

Why Indian Pomegranate?

Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
– Using disease free and quality plant material of improved cultivars.
– Adoption of high planting density.
– Proper canopy management.
– Integrated nutrient and water management.
– Keeping proper load of fruits on the tree.
– Timely control of pests and diseases by adopting IPM practices

Special Export Packing

Usually for packing pomegranates for export purposes, a cardboard corrugated fibreboard box of 4.0 or 5.0 kg capacity is used. The dimensions of such boxes depending upon the capacity are:

480 x 300 x 100 mm

S.No. 4 Kg Box 5 Kg Box
1. 375 x 275 x 100 mm 480 x 300 x 100 mm
Major Importing Countries
Storage Temperature
Temperature 5 - 7°C
Relative Humidity 90 - 95%
Storage Period 2 - 3 months
Why Pomegranate From Kinal Global Care Private Limited?
  1. Transparent Written and Oral Communication about the product.
  2. Customer focused rather than sales focused.
  3. Experience of Shipping to almost 16 countries.
  4. Customers feedback for each shipment.
  5. Stringent Sourcing and Quality checking.
  6. Live Videos and Photos while processing.
  7. Willingness to help without any sales expectation.
  8. Direct Personal Involvement of Management in each shipment.
How To Select A Genuine Exporter Of  Pomegranate?
  1. Understand Exporter’s Company and the Industry.
  2. Understand the Exporter’s Presence and experience.
  3. Knowledge, Quality and Source of the Product.
  4. Pricing of the Product.
  5. Willingness to help without any sales expectation.
  6. Video Calling/Physical Visit.
  7. Verification in Google about the complaints.
  8. Tradeshow Participation.

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